Expert Tips for Choosing the Best Cat Food

With so many cat food options, it can be hard to know what food is best for your cat’s nutritional needs. To help, here is some expert advice from Champion Senior Veterinarian, Dr. Darcia Kostiuk, on choosing a healthy diet for your cat:

1.Who should I ask about my cat’s nutritional needs?
Speaking to your trusted veterinarian is essential. However, I would encourage people to start their own research from reputable websites such as veterinarian school websites, veterinary nutritionists, and animal nutritionists. I would also encourage cat owners to speak with their friends, family and pet food store associates, and to look at pet food websites.

The reason why there are so many nutritional feeding philosophies is that we are all still learning about companion animal nutrition, and every cat has individual variations in their needs and preferences. Doing some nutritional research before speaking with your veterinarian and their staff is a great way to build your partnership so you can give your cat the best care possible.

2.What should I look for on the ingredients panel?
You should look for food with a high animal protein content. This is because your cat is an obligate carnivore, and taurine (an essential amino acid for cats) is only naturally found in animal proteins.

3.Why are nutritional guarantees important?
Nutritional guarantees let you know that the food is complete and balanced. That means that the food is formulated to meet all the essential nutrients your cat requires, and the diet can be fed as a sole source of food to them.

4.Why should I feed according to my cat’s life stage? How does age affect nutritional needs?
You should feed according to your cat’s life stages including kitten, adult, and senior /geriatric diets because there are different requirements needed by cats at different stages. 

For example, an aging cat needs an animal protein source that is more easily digestible because as they age, their body’s ability to digest their food and utilize it is decreased. It is also very important to support healthy aging and maintain a lean body mass. Feeding a highly digestible protein that helps support health benefits is the best way to do so.

Post time: May-14-2024